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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pizza - Vegan & Paleo

Mmmmm... This recipe completely hit the spot.

I had to run to our fantastic local dog store (Lucky Dog Outfitters) to grab our pup kibble on my way home tonight.  The store is located right between a thai restaurant and pizza store, which just happen to be my two favorite cuisines.  As I ran from my car into the store, I was bombarded by the smell of baking pizza.  Instantly I was hungry and craving pizza.  Debating whether or not I should give in and just grab a small pie, the remembrance of stomach aches and headaches that come with eating dairy and gluten hit me.

I have had Paleo Pizza on my list of recipes to try since I started Paleo, now was as good a night as any.  I was really fortunate my late night work obligation was postponed, which gave me a night at home to cook something yummy.  Driving to the grocery store, I racked my brain, going over which Paleo staples I had at home and realized all I needed was almond cheese.  We are in the process of buying a house, or trying to buy a house, so we are really trying to stay on budget.  Trying to make sure I use the stables I have is something new I am trying to help cut down on monthly grocery costs.

Here is what beyond delicious Paleo, Vegan, Gluten Free recipe I made.

Pizza - Vegan & Paleo

Pizza Sauce


8 oz Can of Tomato Sauce
6 oz Can of Tomato Paste
3 Cloves Garlic Minced (I love garlic so I added 5 but I don't want to over garlic anyone)
1 Tbls Olive Oil
1 Tsp Basil
1 Tsp Onion Powder (My partner won't eat real onions if he can see them, so if you are able to use diced onions use 1/2 C)
1 1/2 Tsp Italian Seasoning
1/2 Tsp Honey

In a saucepan, heat oil, then add garlic and, if you are using them, onions.  Cook until transparent.  Add all of the other ingredients to the saucepan.  Heat over medium-high heat until it starts to bubble.  Reduce heat and cover.  I let this simmer while I made the crust.


Pizza Crust


3 Eggs
1 C Coconut Milk (Full Fat)
1/2 C Coconut Flour  ( I found the best price for this at Whole Foods)
1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
2 Cloves Garlic Minced

Preheat oven to 375, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper (which is my best baking friend).

Lightly beat eggs in a medium sized bowl, then add coconut milk and whisk together.  Add coconut flour, baking soda and garlic.  Mix together into an even batter.  Spread evenly onto parchment lined baking sheet.  I decided to make a square instead of a circle so I could eat half now an half later.  Bake for 17-20 minutes until golden brown.  This dough rises quite a bit, so if you like a thinner crust, spread it out thinner and cook less time.  Carefully flip the crust over once it is done.

Once the crust and sauce is ready....

Take your yummy Paleo Pizza Crust, spread your sauce on it, then top with Almond Mozzarella cheese and which ever other Paleo topping you like.  I used fresh pineapple on mine and my partner had sausage, basil and red peppers!


  1. I get hungry reading your blog! I think you really are a have a beautiful voice that is waiting to be heard. Keep up the good work!

    Where do you find Almond Mozzarella cheese?

  2. Aww thanks! I really appreciate it!

    I find the cheese at Fred Meyer or Whole Foods. I heard that some Safeways are starting to carry it too.
