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Monday, February 27, 2012

Paleo Meatloaf Muffins with Sweet Potato Fries

After a long day at work, and the impending long work week, I needed some comfort food.  I also wanted to make something that I could have for a few days because I will not have time to cook dinner the next few nights.  So what is my easy, quick, comfort food?  It is meatloaf and fries...mmmm.  It makes me happy just thinking about it.  The best thing about these recipes is that they are Paleo and I think they taste better then a non-Paleo version.

I do not eat beef or pork.  Which leaves me poultry and seafood.  For all of the recipes that would usually use ground beef, I use ground turkey.  The downside of ground turkey, it can be expensive.  After price shopping around Tacoma, I finally found ground turkey for under $3.00 a pound!!  WinCo had a sale on it and we stocked up!  I used to be a grocery store snob, I can admit that was a fault of mine.  But when we started saving for our house, I had to stop being a snob and start price shopping.  I was so surprised the first time I went to WinCo by how much money I had saved shopping there.  Be careful there though, a lot of their meat has additives.  The great side of Paleo is you get to read more, especially food labels :-)

Mini Meatloaf “Muffins”

Paleo “Ketchup”
½ can tomato paste (No Salt Added if available)

2 tsp of Worchester Sauce
Fresh ground  black pepper

1 lb ground turkey
½ of a green bell pepper finely diced

½ of a red bell pepper finely diced

½ of a white onion finely diced
(or if you have someone who won’t eat onions use ½ tsp onion powder)
3 Celery stalks diced
½ shredded carrot

1 egg
½ can of tomato paste (No Salt Added if available)

1 tsp garlic diced
1 teaspoon black pepper

2 tsp of Worchester Sauce

   Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Mix all ingredients together in a big mixing bowl.
 I use a ¼ C measuring cup as a scoop to make sure my muffins are even, to dish the meat mixture into  lightly oiled muffin tins.  Top meatloaf with the Paleo “Ketchup”.  Bake for 15-20 minutes. 
Let them cool a few minutes and enjoy!

Sweet Potato Fries


1-2 Large Sweet Potatoes
2 tbls Olive Oil
1 tsp  Sea Salt

   Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Peel the Sweet Potatoes, and cut into as even a fry like shape as possible.  Mine turned out a with a few different sizes but it worked great for having some who like soft fries and some who like crunchy fries.  Lay out cut sweet potatoes on a cookie sheet.  Drizzle with olive oil and salt, toss on the pan so they are covered with the oil and the pan gets greased at the same time.  Bake for 10 minutes.  Pull out and turn fries.  Bake for another 8-15 minutes.  There is a big gap because it depends on how thick you have cut your fries.

Pull out of the oven, grab some of your Paleo "Ketchup" and enjoy!


  1. Trying this tonight. Smells amazing. My daughter and I are introducing her grandparents to the modified paleo life, kind of my intro too. Will post results l8r. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. It was a hit! Everyone enjoyed, I only wish I had made more fries (need to keep porrtons controlled though.) Portions were exactly right. I doubled the meatloaf recipe and have six left over. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
